August 3, 2011

Shark Week - JAWS

One of my all time favorite movies as a kid was JAWS. Yes I know its a bit strange for a little girl to like JAWS but I did. My dad and I would watch it together. The original JAWS is still my favorite and I have it on VHS (which I can't even watch anymore).

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 That being said I love shark week on the Discovery Channel. It's on all this week and I have been tuning in every night. I can't tell you why i have such a fascination with sharks but I do. I think they are beautiful and terrifying at the same time.  My dad and I would also watch shark week together when I was younger. My mom was never really a fan but she would watch some of it. She would always say "how can you watch that". I can't really remember when shark week started but its been around for a while.

My favorite shark to watch and learn about is the Great White Shark. They look like huge torpedoes flying threw the water. I also like their big toothy grin.

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